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Usually, full analysis of the input NGS data is necessary as the information known "a priori" about a newly sequenced organism is quite limited and even a re-sequenced organism pose problems when using different sequencing technologies. We introduce MuffinInfo, a FastQ/Fasta/SAM information extractor capable of offering insights of the data implemented in HTML5. It provides information about NGS datasets such as average length, base distribution, quality scores distribution, k-mers histogram and homopolymers analysis. MuffinInfo improves upon the existing extractors with the ability to save and then reload the results obtained after a run as a navigable file (also supporting saving pictures of the graphs), the support of custom statistics implemented by the user and the capability of selecting different values for the parameters involved in the processing. At the moment, the extractor supports all base space technologies such as Illumina, Roche, Ion Torrent, Pacific Biosciences and Oxford Nanopore. With the use of HTML5, our software demonstrates the readiness of web technologies for mild-intensive tasks encountered in bioinformatics.

Go to MuffinInfo Online (Current)
Go to MuffinInfo Online (Devel/Testing)
Download MuffinInfo for Offline Use
Download FastQ File (Real dataset - Borrelia Burgdoferi SRR1016334)
Download Fasta File (Real dataset - Borrelia Burgdoferi SRR1016334)
Download SAM File (Real dataset - Borrelia Burgdoferi SRR1016334)

This project is currently under review. To maintain the accuracy of the submitted results and the features, we will not push the new versions (with bug fixes, new UI, speed enhancements etc.) in the "Current" branch (first link) until the review period has ended. Please use the "Devel/Testing" link for the latest version. We apologize for any inconvenience.
The authors